Reiki: Easy to Learn, Simple to Practice
What is Reiki?
Reiki is invisible natural universal life force energy present in every living being right from birth. It is at work 24/7 in our bodies but can be used at will only after some training with a Reiki Master/teacher. Reiki can be used to heal physical and non-physical issues but is NOT a magic in any way. Details are taught in Reiki training classes. Once learned, it is available anytime and everywhere 24/7. No machine or equipment is required for treatment. Anyone can learn and all that one needs is the hands for treatment. You can also become a Reiki Master.
Reiki and Religion
Founder of the system Dr. Mikao Usui was a Buddhist though but Reiki has nothing to do with religion. It is a great gift of God open to all the living beings, irrespective of faith and religion. Reiki has been learned and is being used by persons belonging all the religions, cultures and societies of the world. One does not have to believe or do any thing against one’s faith in order to learn and practice this wonderful system.
Benefits of Reiki
Reiki has great curative potential but its use is not limited to treatment of physical diseases. While it can be used for personal development at all the four levels, it has countless other benefits and uses and can be used anytime, anywhere as required. It can be used for mental and physical relaxation, stress reduction, enhancement of self confidence, weight reduction and much more. Uses and benefits of Reiki are as many as one can think of.
How Reiki is taught?
The Reiki Master / Teacher activates the ability in the student through a process called attunement. As soon as the process is completed, the student instantly becomes a Reiki healer and can start healing. Each Reiki training class takes just few hours and one sitting for each level. Reiki training classes include complete lecture about Reiki and techniques to perform healing process on oneself and others. For further information, see the Course Details.
Reki History
The history of Reiki begins with Dr. Mikao Usui who re-discovered it in Japan in the early 1900s. He taught Reiki to over 2000 persons and also trained 16 Masters (21 according to some books). On March 9, 1926, while teaching in Fukuyama, he suffered a stroke and died. According to one version, Dr. Usui is now buried in the Kyoto temple, with the story of his life written on the gravestone.

The history of Reiki given in the older books is what Mrs. Hawayo Takata had narrated but in early nineties, some researchers found that many things were actually different to what Mrs. Takata had mentioned. After reading many books on Reiki, very amazingly, I have found that the new information also has some variations. The dates of many events and happenings have been narrated differently by different researchers and writers.
Dr. Chujiro Hayashi was one of the sixteen teachers (called masters in those days) trained by Usui Sensei. He was a retired naval officer and a medical doctor, still on reserve status at that time. He in turn taught Mrs. Hawayo Takata who later became his successor. She trained 22 Reiki Masters in her life time. On December 11, 1980, Hawayo Takata passed away. The twenty-two Masters in turn taught Reiki to others, and thus Reiki, the wonderful healing system finally reached us.

Human Aura and Chakras
Teaching of Chakras and Aura was not part of original Reiki teachings by Dr. Mikao Usui or Dr. Chujiro Hayashi. It became part of Reiki training after Mrs. Takata passed away in 1980. Gradually, seeking information about chakras and aura through Internet seems to have become quite popular. Some of my students also show extra ordinary interest in aura and chakras and start questioning about them just in the beginning of my talk. I cover this topic in detail during my Reiki Level-1 training classes.
Reiki Training: What I teach in Reiki Classes
The information given above is very brief and basic. Training classes cover the details.
I offer Reiki training classes for all the four Reiki levels (also called degrees) of Usui Reiki. Each degree or stage takes just one session of few hours except the Teacher’s level. I teach small groups of not more than 4 persons at a time to ensure individualized and personal attention… read more
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Health and Happiness!
Muhammad Akram Khan, Lt Col (R)
Reiki Master/Teacher
Lahore Cantt, Pakistan