About Reiki Master M Akram Khan and His Reiki Lineage
Muhammad Akram Khan is a Reiki Master/Teacher, civil engineer holding Master’s Degree in Public Health Engineering and a homeopath. He is teaching Reiki since 2003 and has taught Reiki to persons of all ages and from all walks of life. His students include university and college teachers and students, civil servants, highly placed executives, business men, engineers, army officers (both retired and serving), male and female doctors, and housewives etc. He has also taught Reiki First Degree, Second Degree and Master 3A classes in Louisville, Kentucky, USA in September 2015.

Reiki Training
What he teaches in his Reiki Classes can be found in course details.

M Akram Khan, Lt Col (R)
Reiki Master/Teacher
B.Sc.(Hons), M.Sc.(PHE)
What is Lineage?
Reiki is a technique, which is passed on from the teacher to the student, who in turn passes it on when he becomes a Reiki Master/Teacher. Any one who receives the attunement becomes part of the chain. Lineage is a list of the Reiki Masters showing who learned from whom in one chain, leading back to the founder of the system. In the case of Usui Reiki System, the lineage leads back to Dr. Mikao Usui.
Your Reiki Master/teacher should provide you a written copy of his lineage. In case he/she forgets, you should remind him/her and ask for it. Since I learned Reiki from many different teachers, I have as many lineages as well. Two of those are given below.
Reiki Master M Akram Khan’s Lineage
Dr. Mikao Usui
Dr. Chujiro Hayashi
Mrs. Hawayo Takata
Iris Ishikuro
Arthur Robertson
Rev. Karen Cameron
Karen Fox
Catherine Holder
Caroly Estes Hord
Emily Cecilia Hall
Mery Ann Moore
Muhammad Akram Khan
(All Levels)
Dr. Mikao Usui
Dr. Chujiru Hayashi
Mrs. Hawayo Takata
Phyllis Lei Furumoto
Phil Morgan
Don Beckett
(Shoden and Okuden
from Phil Morgan)
Don Beckett
(Shinpiden from
Deborah Frank)
Muhammad Akram Khan
(All Levels)
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Health and Happiness!
Muhammad Akram Khan, Lt Col (R)
Reiki Master/Teacher
Lahore Cantt, Pakistan